Thursday, September 9, 2010

Review of 7-Eleven on Geary & 15th:

First let me clarify that this five star review has been graded on a curve in which only 7-elevens have been evaluated. Sure, perhaps they could do some things better, but it is by far my favorite 7-eleven I have ever visited.
There are a few reason they get five stars:

1. Its a convenience store. So I want it to be f*ing Convenient!!!! Open 24 hours and right across the street from my house; that is as convenient as it gets. They have never been out of stock of anything I need, and their Slurpee station is always clean. They give me whole roles of quarters for laundry. When it's busy and there is only one person working, they will jump back and forward from register to register. That is service.

2. The flatmates and I come home at nine in the morning. Dresses, six inch heels, and smeared eyeliner. The walk of shame at it's finest. The cab drops us off and we walk across the street to 7-eleven. The man at the counter greets us with "Life is good! Life is good!" Isn't it such. The last thing we needed was to be judged by the 7-eleven staff. He assured us life is good, thus also assuring us we could come in and buy a six pack at 9am, condoms at 4am, and a pound of nacho cheese at 3am.... if we ever wanted to do any of those things.

3. Customer appreciation Day! A few months back they had customer appreciation day. They gave out free slurpees, soda, chips, hot dogs, energy drinks and donuts. Best of all they were happy to give it away. The staff was loving it!! They really enjoyed putting a smile on all their customers' faces. Also I have secretly been wanting to try a hot dog from here for 13 years, but have not been able to bring myself to buy one. It just, well, seemed gross. But if they are giving them away.... why not. I have said it before and I will say it again, I will try anything that is free. I told people it was "pretty good" as I was too embarrassed to admit that I thought a hot dog from 7-eleven was beyond delicious.

4. The staff is fantastic. They make me feel like I am not at a 7-eleven but at a local bodega. In fact, sometimes when I go across the street here for something, I ask my roommates if they want anything from the bodega (east coast term for convenience store). Sure maybe it would be nice to support some local store. I fully agree, that MAYBE it would. But, the 7-eleven staff here does it up proper making me feel like I already am. Plus they don't sell liquor, so obviously I am pumping some funds into the local liquor store owners' pockets too.