Thursday, December 22, 2011

Questions To Ask Before Booking a Bus in SE Asia...

1. May I have a seat in the middle or front? I prefer to stay in my seat when we hit a bump.
2. How many stops will the bus make? If over 10, reconsider.
3. Will the fluorescent light panel above my seat be red, orange or yellow? If so, may I be moved under blue, green, or purple? Preferably black.
4. What time does the bus get in?
5. What time does the bus really get in? 
6.  Will people be smoking on the bus? If so, are there working windows or escape exits?
7. Will the bus drop me off at my intended destination or shall I just pay that hidden fee now?
8. Will the employees on said bus be searching my bags and taking what they please?

Enjoy your trip!

Love, Paige